Improve the well-being of your community, especially its most vulnerable populations. 在火博体育健康科学学院, 你将学习如何照顾病人, 协助医疗队, 教人们如何健康地生活. 你也可以学着帮助宠物!
We have 26 degree and certificate programs that will jumpstart your career in the health science field. 这些课程可以在两年内完成, 其中一些可以在不到一年的时间内完成, 而其他人可以直接转到学士学位课程. 除了, 我们的一些课程和项目是在线提供的, 这意味着它们既灵活又方便.
随着越来越多的人获得医疗保健, we need more compassionate and skilled health care providers—from billing to nursing to emergency medical services, 和更多的. Find success at 火博体育, and prepare for a rewarding career that will impact your community.
作为一个健康科学专业的学生, 您将在我们的健康科学模拟中心获得实践经验. This 仿真实验室oratory helps you build the skills you need to provide quality care. 我们的教练将在每个模拟中为您提供深入的指导. 除了, 每个房间都配有摄像头, 麦克风, 还有监视器,这样教练就可以向你汇报并提出改进建议.
- 急诊室
- 加护病房
- 护士站
- 分娩单位
- 模拟实验室和控制室
- 成人,儿科和新生儿病人模拟器
作为一名牙科保健师, you will be an essential member of the dental team and will play an invaluable role in helping patients maintain good oral health. 帮助治疗口腔疾病, 提供预防性牙齿护理, taking x-rays and reviewing them for signs of dental diseases and instructing patients in effective home care are among the key skills you will learn with our associate degree. 你可以把这个学位申请为B.S. 在口腔卫生方面.
熟练的急救医疗服务人员需求量很大. 在火博体育, you can start with a one-semester certificate program or earn a degree to become a paramedic. Explore our four certificate and two degree programs to see which one is right for you.
随着医疗保险变得越来越复杂, 对合格医务人员的需求增加了. Earn a Medical Insurance Coder/Biller Certificate or the 健康资讯科技 A.A.S. 成为这个快速发展的领域的一部分.
Students can complete the 健康资讯科技 Certificate 100% online.
Prepare for an advanced career in the medical field through earning an Associate of Science (A.S.医学学位. Upon completion of the degree, you will have taken most of the courses required to take the MCAT. 除了, you will be prepared to transfer to a 4-year school to earn a bachelor’s degree toward your goal of becoming a doctor, 外科医生, 牙医, 或兽医.
Be on the front lines of patient care as a nurse by earning an associate degree in nursing. You can also receive both an associate and a bachelor's in nursing with our partnership program with the University of New Mexico.
This growing field helps people with injuries or disabilities develop skills to participate in the things they want and need to do. Earn your associate degree to become an occupational therapy assistant and help clients achieve independence.
成为这个国家发展最快的职业之一的一部分! 与物理治疗师密切合作, you'll play a critical role in helping patients of all ages regain or maintain their independence and lead active lives. We offer both a traditional on-campus program and an online hybrid program that leads to an associate degree as a physical therapist assistant.
理学副学士(A.S.) degree in Pre-健康科学 is a flexible program that maximizes your ability to transfer to a 4-year school while also preparing you to enter many allied health fields. This includes occupational therapy, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, nursing, 和更多的.
你对殡葬业有兴趣吗? Have you considered a possible career as a Mortician, Embalmer, Funeral Director, etc. 在火博体育, the 殓房前科学证书 will prepare you with the required pre-requisite courses to enable you to apply for an AAS in Mortuary Science. 此外, 火博体育 has a transfer agreement with Arapahoe 社区 College to help you complete your AAS in Mortuary Science.
Assist people in understanding and taking their medication by becoming a pharmacist. 理学副学士(A.S.) degree in Pre-Pharmacy and the Advanced Certificate program prepares you for direct acceptance into the University of New Mexico (UNM) Doctor of Pharmacy program. Students enrolled in this program will become part of the UNM College of Pharmacy Early Assurance Program.
评估, 治疗, and help patients with respiratory problems and other heart and lung conditions through earning an associate degree in respiratory therapy. Join this fast-growing industry and serve as a vital member of a healthcare team.
成为外科技术人员,成为外科团队不可或缺的一员. You will learn how to create a sterile and organized environment in a surgical room by managing surgical equipment and preparing the operating room. 先决条件要求.
Our online program is a rigorous yet flexible path if you seek a career as a credentialed veterinary technician, 兽医助理, 或者实习经理. See why our graduates frequently test 15% to 20% above the national average in most testing categories.
火博体育 offers three fast track programs so you can start your career in a shorter time. Train to be a certified nursing assistant, pharmacy technician, or phlebotomy technician.
在这个为期8周的课程中,学习协助长期护理机构的病人. You will master medical and bedside skills through training in our classrooms, 仿真实验室, 以及当地的医疗机构.
Complete this certificate program in 16 weeks to jumpstart your career as a pharmacy technician. 伴随着课堂学习, you will complete an externship as part of the course to gain on-site experience.
Assist hospitals and labs by becoming a phlebotomist through our Phlebotomy Certificate Program. 学习血液标本采集和处理的理论, 然后获得100小时的经验来提高你的技能.
因为我们的人口有更多的机会获得医疗保健, 需要更多的卫生保健工作者来满足这些需求. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, 从2020年到2030年,医疗保健工作岗位预计将增长16%, 加约2.600万个新增就业岗位.
Be a part of this rewarding and fast-growing field by training at 火博体育. 下面是我们健康科学职业路径中的常见职业:
- 牙科保健
- 急救人员和护理人员
- 护士
- 医疗记录和健康信息专家
- 职业治疗助理
- 物理治疗师助理
- 药学技术人员
- 抽血者
- 呼吸治疗师
- 外科第一助理
- 外科手术技术
- 兽医技术人员
- 圣胡安地区医疗中心
- 美慈医疗中心
- Pinon家庭诊所
- 法明顿消防局
- 杜兰戈消防局
- 不同的牙科组
- 各种兽医诊所和医院等等!